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Batesville Main Street

Case Study: Batesville Main Street

After a successful temporary pop-up park activation in a parking space, the community looked to create a permanent placemaking activation in downtown Batesville, Indiana.

After a successful temporary pop-up park activation in a parking space, the community looked to create a permanent placemaking activation along George Street in downtown Batesville, Indiana. The campaign, launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on creating a safe outdoor gathering space for residents to gather and to build a vibrant community.

Batesville Main Street medallion for Inspiration Park

The campaign created and activated two spaces: Inspiration Park and George Street Bump Out. Inspiration Park celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement by honoring the women of Batesville with a lighted sculpture. In addition, the project added seating and landscaping to create a welcoming and inspirational space.

The George Street Bump Out improved the infrastructure from a temporary pop-up into a permanent installation by adding guardrails, concrete with paver banding, café tables and chairs, communal tables, bike racks, and planter boxes.

These outdoor gathering places are now ADA-compliant and provide access to Wi-Fi. Both locations are places to meet up and visit with friends or even hit the many walking and biking trails that connect to downtown.

Batesville Main Street placemaking bump out
“When I was at the dedication of the Women’s Legacy Park listening to the accomplishments of women being honored in our community and actually standing with many of them there, it was very emotional. Not only have these women changed our city and have made it a wonderful place to live but they have and continue to change lives. I love that the project also allowed citizens to purchase a brick to honor women that meant something to them personally. Now when I see the sculpture and the beautiful area around it, I am thrilled that future generations will also understand the impact of the women that helped shape our community.” Sarah Heppner, community member, educator, BAAC Executive Director

The Batesville community fully embraced the project. The crowdfunding campaign generated participation, enthusiasm, and anticipation for the new spaces.

At the dedication, the community learned the invaluable impact that the visionary women of Batesville, past and present, have had on the community and created positivity during a challenging time. The project ignited a belief that anything is possible when we all work together for a common goal.

During cold weather, the outdoor seating areas are regularly used. The Wi-Fi access has been particularly helpful in improving connectivity and new water bottle fill stations have encouraged residents and visitors to stay and enjoy the spaces, benefitting downtown businesses.

The ribbon cutting for the Batesville Main Street project

Project Details

  • Project: Building Community and Celebrating Remarkable Women
  • Project Type: Alleys and Streetscapes, Public Plazas and Markets, Public Art
  • Project Location: Batesville, Indiana
  • Crowdfunding Raise: $86,615
  • Crowdgranting Match: $50,000
  • Patrons: 216
  • Leveraged Funding: $156,502
  • In-Kind Amount: $24,015
  • Total Project Estimate: $272,121
Batesville Main Street placemaking installation

About CreatINg Places

CreatINg Places is our Indiana-based crowdgranting program in partnership with the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA). As a place-based crowdgranting program, CreatINg Places empowers the public – residents, businesses, and community organizations – to play a role in achieving community improvements and building community pride. Projects can receive a matching grant from the IHCDA for between $5,000 and $50,000.

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