Patronicity reaches $50 million in project funding
Our platform has generated $50 million in project funding to support changemakers building vibrant communities.
Patronicity is excited to announce a major milestone. Our platform has generated $50 million in project funding. Thanks to our program partners and nearly 147,000 of you, dedicated patrons, our crowdfunding platform and crowdgranting programs have generated over $50 million to support changemakers building vibrant communities.

$27.6 million has been crowdfunded by passionate project creators.
$22.4 million has been matched by our generous crowdgranting partners.
146,735 patrons have stepped up to donate and create the change they want to see in their community.
1,335 projects have been launched.*
Since our founding, we have helped hundreds of communities raise funds for grassroots projects ranging from alleyways and streetscapes, gardens and greenspaces, public art projects, and more. In recent years, we’ve expanded to include small businesses, building vibrant communities through both community and economic development.
Ebrahim Varachia, President & Co-Founder, on reaching this milestone said, “The projects funded would not be possible without our platform, patrons, project creators, and the generous partners that have understood the opportunity that crowdgranting provides to communities.”
Since 2013, we have partnered with private and public sector partners to distribute matching grants to small businesses, municipalities, and nonprofit organizations that successfully meet their crowdfunding goals with support from the community. Our unique crowdgranting model has provided new opportunities for private and public entities to support community and economic development from the ground up, providing a more equitable approach to granting by harnessing community engagement.

We would like to thank our partners for their commitment to the communities they serve.
Learn more about our current and past crowdgranting programs and partners below.
- Better Places Vermont — The Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development and The Vermont Community Foundation
- Biz-M-Power — Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation
- Boston Main Streets Foundation Challenge
- Commonwealth Places — MassDevelopment
- Community Match Fund — Sustainable CT
- CreatINg Places — Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority
- CreatINg Stellar Places — Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority
- COVID-19 Small Business Relief Program — Main Street Oakland County
- Great Lakes Giveback — Lake Trust Credit Union
- Great Places 2020 — LISC Indy
- Jackson Anchor Initiative Small Business Support Fund — Jackson DDA and Chamber of Commerce
- SVN Communities — SVN International Corp.
- MI Local Biz — Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Public Spaces, Community Places — Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Response to COVID-19 — Patronicity
- Small Town, Big Hearts Initiative — The City of Brighton Downtown Development Authority
Learn more about our work at patronicity.com. Contact us to learn more about how you can launch a crowdfunding campaign or crowdgranting program in your community at info@patronicity.com.

*Data recorded as of May 31, 2022 and counting. See up to date figures on our website at patronicity.com.