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How to Perform a Walk Audit

How to Perform a Walk Audit

A Walk Audit can help individuals and communities to identify areas for improvement in their neighborhoods and cities.

We believe walkability is key to developing accessible, sustainable, and connected communities. A Walk Audit can help individuals and communities identify areas for improvement in their neighborhoods and cities and develop placemaking strategies to improve quality of life. Individuals of all ages and abilities can and should participate in walking audits in their communities, as it is important that streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, and other critical infrastructure are accessible to all community members. By recording and reporting your findings, you can advocate for changes in your community and become a Patron in your city.

What is a Walk Audit?

A Walk Audit is when a group of community members observe an area of their neighborhood or city and record changes they would like to see to improve walkability, accessibility, and public safety.

A Walk Audit can:

  • Engage community members
  • Inform planning decisions
  • Improve the quality of life for residents

What you need to perform a Walk Audit:

  • Community members
  • Pencils
  • Pad of paper
  • Camera

Before you get started:

  • Determine the route you will take during your walking audit. By mapping out your route in advance, you can take notes along the way and focus on a specific area of your community. It’s important for one member of your team to walk the route in advance to ensure those attending your Walk Audit will be safe. We recommend selecting a short route, under one mile, as the conversation is likely to take place around how you might solve certain problems you identify along the way.
  • Notify your community and invite them to join you! We recommend compiling a team of dedicated community members, advocates, and community leaders, such as planners or elected officials.

During your Walk Audit:

  • Record problem areas by taking notes and photos along the way. Your findings can help community leaders to advocate and prioritize change in your community.
  • Engage in conversation along the route. Stop to discuss problem areas or issues you see to consider ideas that can improve the area. We recommend developing questions in advance that consider how the space is currently used, if it is safe, or what it might look like in the future.

After your Walk Audit:

  • Get organized! Compile your notes and photos.
  • Consider hosting a community meeting to discuss the findings of the Walk Audit and receive additional feedback from neighbors and community members.
  • Contact elected officials and share the results of your Walk Audit.

If there’s an area you would like to improve in your community, Patronicity can help. No matter the size of your community, Patronicity provides community-driven fund development and placemaking solutions to help you build vibrant communities. Our unique crowdgranting model and high rate of success in crowdfunding showcase our ability to understand communities and support them with personalized project coaching, matching grants, and placemaking solutions that impact both community and economic development. Contact us at to learn more about how we can assist you in building a vibrant community.

Sources and Additional Resources